Whoops I Forgot to Blog

By Brian • 3 January 2017

It’s 2017, and with the start of a new year, I, along with 90 percent of the rest of the internet, have decided to refocus on my blog. I published numerous entries last year, and most of them were pretty decent, but they evolved into something I didn’t really want them to: longer think pieces that required a lot of deep thought and research. Those are fine periodically, but they started to become the only things I posted, and appeared infrequently. The real purpose of the blog was to keep myself creatively accountable and to say positive things about myself for a change, and lessen the disconnect I feel between myself and other people. It helped to some degree, but I need to do a better job. I will refrain from beating myself up further, if you can believe it.

So, here’s the deal. It’s the start of the new year, so it’s time to hit the reset button. It’s always difficult to maintain a high creative outlet during the last two or three months of any year—holidays, illness, busy work schedules, end-of-year burnout, and general exhaustion all factor in. Fortunately, the creative lull at the end of the year always results in a creative high at the start of the new year. So let’s get back to it. I’m ready to make shorter, more frequent posts, along with the occasional longer think piece, more updates on other creative things I’m doing, and so on. I’ve also made some style updates to the blog that should make your reading experience easier.

Let’s get writing!