And So On

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Why Yes, I AM a Comic Artist!

By Brian • 8 October 2018

Brian works to overcome his fear of talking about himself to explain how he got into making comics, and profiles some of his past work.

Categories: And So On, Art

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By Brian • 1 October 2018

After allowing his time and interests to scatter in too many directions for too long, Brian decides to refocus on his passions - drawing, writing, and comics!

Categories: And So On, Art

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Just Tell Your Story, Already

By Brian • 3 May 2018

Is the goal of art to tell a story, or to entertain? Brian wants to tell stories, but fears he is too concerned with entertaining others.

Categories: And So On, Art

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Consistency, or Lack Thereof

By Brian • 10 April 2018

Brian has a problem with inconsistency and talks his way through it in this scintillating entry!

Categories: And So On, Art, Sports, Video Games

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10 Years Later, My Creations Haven’t Come to Life and Killed Me, Yet

By Brian • 18 February 2018

Brian realizes he’s been doing earnest comics work for 10 years now, breaks down where he’s at, and what he would like to accomplish.

Categories: And So On, Art

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Nuked My Video Game “Want” List

By Brian • 28 January 2018

Brian tries to stop being a video game-crazed maniac by getting rid of his bloated “want” list and playing games on his own terms.

Categories: And So On, Video Games

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My 2017: What Worked and What Didn’t

By Brian • 1 January 2018

Another big year has come and gone. How’d we do this time?

Categories: And So On, Art, Video Games

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Inktober Has Run Dry – OR – A New Effort to Stay Not Insane

By Brian • 10 October 2017

An ill-fated Inktober attempt teaches Brian a valuable lesson.

Categories: And So On, Art

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Six Legs, No Heart Progress Report

By Brian • 2 March 2017

Learn how Brian’s latest comic project is going!

Categories: And So On, Art

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Be a Champion, not a Chump —OR— In Defense of Nintendo Switch

By Brian • 14 January 2017

Brian allows his fanboyism to get the better of him.

Categories: And So On, Video Games

Whoops I Forgot to Blog

By Brian • 3 January 2017

Brian refocuses on his blog in 2017 (maybe)!

Categories: And So On

Unassuming Patch of Dirt

By Brian • 7 June 2016

There’s a patch of dirt under the stairs. What do I do with this?

Categories: And So On